
Holyland is a gripping psychological manga that follows the story of Yuu Kamishiro, a troubled teenager who feels out of place in society. Bullied relentlessly by his peers and isolated at school, Yuu decides to stop attending classes, seeking refuge in the streets at night. Desperate to find acceptance and a sense of belonging, Yuu immerses himself in a world of violence where laws are lenient and strength is the only currency. He dedicates himself to training, focusing on perfecting a single powerful boxing punch to defend himself. With each night spent roaming the streets, Yuu grows more confident in his newfound strength, earning a fearsome reputation as the “Thug Hunter.” However, this infamy only attracts more dangerous opponents, pushing Yuu further into the violent underworld.

As Yuu continues to fight, he becomes entangled in a brutal cycle of brawls, each battle testing his resolve and forcing him to confront his inner demons. The streets become both his battleground and his sanctuary, a place where he can express his pent-up anger and frustration. Despite the constant physical and emotional challenges, Yuu’s relentless pursuit of strength leads him closer to his personal “holyland”—a state of being where he can finally feel powerful and in control. *Holyland* is a raw and intense exploration of a young man’s journey through self-discovery, survival, and the relentless quest to carve out his place in a world that has always rejected him.